GEPCO Bill Calculator

Based on the connection type that has been installed at the customer’s property, the GEPCO bill calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the consumer’s anticipated monthly payment amount. For an accurate estimate of the consumer’s GEPCO bill amount, this will be based on a tariff sheet linked to their property and prior electricity usage.

GEPCO Bill Calculator 2025

You Can Check Your Latest Bill Of : MEPCO , IESCO , LESCO , PESCO , HESCO , GEPCO , QESCO , SEPCO , TESCO , FESCO.

Enter your Consumed Unit from your most recent bill copy into the box below to begin the bill calculation process. Any recent invoices from the business may have the reference number in the upper-right corner. Customers that struggle with math or just want a general notion of their electricity cost can use the GEPCO unit calculator.

Based on the units they use each month, the GEPCO bill calculation formula helps customers determine their expected monthly service costs. Using the GEPCO electricity bill calculator, you can easily check the amount of your electricity bill from GEPCO. This is due to the possibility that they (the calculator) will determine your monthly charges depending on your tariff and the number of units consumed.

Guide to GEPCO Tariffs:

The price, charge, and other specifications established by a GEPCO for the production and sale of electricity to consumers are referred to as “tariffs.” The GEPCO pricing will be approved by the government, and customers will be informed. GEPCO unit rates may increase or decrease in tariffs following governmental regulations.

Additionally, it is explicitly accessible online for various connection types. The GEPCO electricity tariff enables us to determine the current GEPCO electricity costs so that we can adjust our spending plans and estimate future bills.

GEPCO Tariff Change:

A consumer who wants to change their energy tariff must apply at least 30 days before they want the change to take effect. Please provide the required documentation and apply to GEPCO customer care executives if you would like to request a modification to your tariff. If the customer submits the form with the necessary information within 30 days of receiving it, GEPCO will approve any adjustments to the tariff.

GEPCO Mis-Use of Tariff:

Anything other than what was originally intended should not be done with the connection. If you do, we reserve the right to take action against you, which may include disconnecting your service and/or fining you.

Consumers who violate approved or sanctioned tariffs will receive a 7-day warning from GEPCO. With the use of this new tariff, GEPCO will be able to recover the difference in costs that were dropped. GEPCO shall decide the maximum period of these charges if there is no supporting documentation.

GEPCO Connection Types:

The Different Types of Connections in this Tariff Guide are:

  • A-1 General Supply Tariff – Residential
  • A-2 General Supply Tariff – Commercial
  • General Services
  • Industrial Supply Tariffs
  • Single Point Supply
  • Agricultural Tariff
  • Temporary Supply Tariff
  • Seasonal Industrial Supply Tariff
  • Public Lighting
  • Residential Colonies that are attached to Industrial Premises
  • Railway Traction
  • Special Contracts
  • Special Contracts under NEPRA (Supply of Power Regulations) 2015

Meter Reading for GEPCO:

In order to compute the electricity bill from the meter readings, you must first understand how to count the electrical units from the meter. Indicated meter reading is in kW. Three different kinds of meters exist:

  • Analog meter
  • Digital meter
  • Smart meter

In GEPCO, analog meters are no longer used. This type of meter is a digital one and it has a variety of numbers on it, some of which are highlighted in red. On the waiting list, you must enter a cellphone number starting with a letter from left to right, without paying attention to the number highlighted in red.

Smart meters, once more, animated numbers can be written and read from left to right. Red digits are also present on smart meters, frequently following a dot. These red-highlighted statistics are not important.

GEPCO Per Unit Price:

The cost of each unit you consumed is the unit price. For various sorts of connections, they vary. The fees levied on commercial unit prices are very different from variable compensation on unit pricing. A thorough pricing guide can be found on the GEPCO official website. For various types of connections, this guide explicitly lists fixed prices, appropriate variable fees, and standard variable rates.

The price per unit would be 5.79 rupees if the meter reading was less than or equal to 100 units.

Between 101 and 200, a meter reading would cost 8.11 per unit. It would cost 10.20 per unit if the meter reading was in the range of 201 and 300 units. The price per unit for a meter reading in the range between 301 and 700 is 17.60. And if the meter reading is higher than 700, the price per unit would be 20.70.

GEPCO Bill Calculator 2025 Method:

Calculate your bill so that you have accurate knowledge of your electricity usage. Calculating and organizing the allocation of charges can frequently be difficult for many people. You may conveniently calculate your GEPCO online bill 2025 by following a few simple steps. Each appliance uses a certain amount of electricity.

First, multiply an appliance’s wattage by the number of hours it is used. As an illustration, the wattage of a ceiling fan is used for x hours (70 watts x 20 Hrs. per day).

To calculate the kWh rate, divide (1400/1000) by 1000. Add the kWh rate per unit to it (1.4 x 12.72). That will give you the price of electricity. (Rs 17.8 for using a fan). Cost of electricity (Per unit rate x number of units) + Meter rent + FC (Financing Cost) surcharge + GST + FPA (Fuel Price Adjustment) + TV fee + TR (Tariff Rationalization) surcharge = Total electricity bill

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How can I figure out my Pakistani electricity bill?

(k=kilo=1000). 720 units total. The cost per unit is approximately 15 PKR. Electricity bill total:  720 x 15 = 10800.

How is the electricity bill calculated?

Your energy usage is used to calculate how much it will cost you in energy bills. You can also pay a recurring fee. The energy provider will calculate your bill after reading your meter by deducting the amount from the most recent reading.

How are monthly kWh calculated?

To calculate the kWh for a particular appliance, multiply the equipment’s power rating (watts) by the number of hours it is used, then divide by 1000. When we were charged $0.09/kWh for electricity, a 60-watt lightbulb that we used for 90 hours in a month cost us roughly 50 cents.

Final Words:

You can calculate your projected GEPCO bill using this method. You don’t need any sophisticated equipment to compute your costs; it is simple to use and only takes a few minutes. An estimated GEPCO bill is sent to the consumer by the GEPCO Bill Calculator. The quantity of the unit consumed the type of connection, and any additional taxes, such as GST, TV Fees, as well as other fees.