FESCO Bill Calculator

All power distribution companies, including FESCO, now have an online management system thanks to the Pakistani state government. Online, clients can view and download the bill. To compute the bill, they can utilize the FESCO online bill calculator. When calculating the bill, the FESCO bill calculator is helpful. Customers can also pay their bills online after the bill has been calculated.

The name Faisalabad Electric Supply Company is shortened to Fesco. It is a firm that distributes electricity. In accordance with the industrial code, the state declared FESCO’s creation in 1988. To the territories under its control, it provides electricity.

FESCO Bill Calculator 2025

You Can Check Your Latest Bill Of : MEPCO , IESCO , LESCO , PESCO , HESCO , GEPCO , QESCO , SEPCO , TESCO , FESCO.

FESCO Bill Calculator:

By simply entering the number of units consumed, this online Fesco bill calculator will give you an expected electricity cost for the month. Additionally, using our online bill calculator 2023 will increase your confidence in numbers and make calculating the bill hassle-free for you.

Furthermore, everyone may use this calculator with ease because of how simple it operates. You don’t need to download any other applications in order to use the FESCO Bill calculator online. As a result, the 2021 FESCO slabs are used as the basis for this FESCO Bill calculator. In order to compute the number that comes the closest to the actual amount, it takes into account all usual taxes.

The most recent FESCO unit rates for various slabs are always taken into consideration when calculating the FESCO customer bill. Not only that, but it also relies on general taxes and other fees like TV Fees, FPA, and N.J. Surcharge, among others.

The Procedure of FESCO Bill Calculator:

  • Select the FESCO bill calculator after opening the webpage.
  • Select the type of connection.
  • Choose a tariff.
  • Select the phase type.
  • Add up all the units consumed in a month.
  • Enter the monthly meter rent if there is one.
  • If service rent is present, enter it.
  • List any outstanding debts here if there are any.
  • Add up all the TVs you have in your home.
  • Please list any available exemptions here.
  • Choose Calculate from the menu.
  • The electricity bill calculator will be used to calculate the bill.

Connection Type:

You ought to be aware of the kind of connection you have. That might be residential, industrial, or commercial. Depending on the type of connection, the FESCO tariff rates are applicable. The various connection types in FESCO include:

  • The tariff A1(03) is domestic
  • The tariff A1(01) is domestic
  • The tariff A2(04) is commercial
  • The tariff A2c (06)T is commercial
  • The tariff B1(07) is industrial
  • The tariff B1(08) is industrial
  • The tariff B1b (09)T is industrial
  • The tariff B2a (10) is industrial
  • The tariff B2a (11) is industrial
  • The tariff B2b (12)t is industrial

Phase Type:

You ought to be aware of the phase type for which you have applied. A single-phase connection and a three-phase connection are the two different kinds of phase connectors.

Single-phase connection:

the type of connection where only one live wire is used to deliver electricity to the user. A single-phase connection effectively powers a home with a small number of appliances, such as fans, televisions, and air conditioners. A certain amount of load can be carried by a single-phase connection. In comparison to a three-phase connection, a single-phase connection’s electricity cost is also less expensive.

Three-phase connection:

When there is a three-phase connection, the consumer is getting electricity from three live wires. People who own a lot of large, heavy appliances almost always choose a three-phase connection. The enormous electrical load can be supported by a three-phase connection. A three-phase connection often has higher electricity costs than a single-phase connection.

Unit Consumption:

You must enter the number of units consumed in order to compute the FESCO bill on the calculator. They can be inserted into the following designs:

  • KWH: It stands for Kilowatt Hour. One thousand watts are consumed in one hour, or 1KWH.
  • KVARH: Kilo Volt Ampere Reactive Hours is the abbreviation for this term. One thousand volts ampere reactive hour is known as a KVARH.
  • MDI: Maximum Demand Indicator is what MDI stands for. It refers to the greatest power consumed over an average period of time.

Peak Hours for FESCO:

FESCO peak hours are when there is the greatest demand for electricity during the day. In reaction to the rising demand, the rate per unit increases.

Off-Peak FESCO Hours:

Any time when there is less demand for electricity, which lowers the cost per unit, is referred to as FESCO off-peak hours.

Meter Rental:

The power meter is typically owned by the distributors. As a result, if a client uses a distributor’s meter, he is required to pay a portion of the bill as meter rent. The meter rental fee is determined by the tariff and is typically Rs 15.

Service Rent:

The client should be aware of whether a service rent is necessary or not. Furthermore, if he is aware that he must pay the service rent, he ought to be shown the sum.


A customer’s account would be in arrears if he neglected to make payments on a previous invoice, such as rent or a mortgage. He must pay the required sum in order to be released from this situation.

A number of televisions:

A customer ought to be aware of how many televisions are in his home. Additionally, there is a TV licensing charge. Customers would pay Rs 35 for each TV in the household sector and Rs 60 for each TV in the commercial sector.


The following exceptions are ones that everyone should be aware of. Please mention any exemptions that you may have.

  • Availability of STRN
  • Sales Tax for Retailers Exempt
  • GST exempt
  • E tax exempt
  • IT exempt
  • ED exempt
  • Duty On Electricity:
  • 2% on commercial and bulk each
  • In agricultural 1% of variable charges

The formula for FESCO’s online bill calculation:

The online bill calculation can be done with a straightforward formula. Before calculating the cost, you must be aware of the unit rates following Pakistan’s general tariff. People can compute their bills online or manually using the FESCO bill calculator.

According to the formula, multiply the total number of units used by the units’ tariff rate to determine the FESCO power bill. Add the exclusions and other expenses after that. The response will be your exact monthly bill. The same process is used by the FESCO bill unit calculator. You just need to enter the unit, tariff, and other bill details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How can I acquire a previous FESCO bill?

You can check the duplicate bill on FESCO’s official website, where you can also view the previous FESCO bill.

How can I verify my FESCO meter reading?

Read the numbers for each electric tariff that is displayed on the FESCO digital electric meter to read it. The display will cycle through a digital or dual-rate meter, most frequently a 10-element 1 tariff 22 or 31 (light and power) or a 20-element 2 tariff 41, 42, 61, or 62. (hydro heat, hot water, or off-peak)

How can you define detection bill FESCO?

The fraudulent abstraction of energy is the subject of the detection bill. If he receives the detection charge, he must pay it right away to avoid having his connection suspended.

Final Words

The FESCO bill calculator has made calculating your Fesco bill as simple as pie. Everyone can now compute the bill thanks to it. To dispel any uncertainty, they might compare their own computed bill to the original bill. The electricity bill calculator from FESCO will be useful to those who struggle with math or don’t know how to compute the bill. The relevant information must be entered before the calculator can compute the bill. It is extremely easy and time-efficient.