CDA Water Bill

  • Mar, Sun, 2025
  • CDA
  • 5 minutes Read

Where can I Pay CDA Water Bill and Allied Charges?

The Payment of CDA Allied Charges and CDA water bills may be deposited at the following banks or at Revenue Directorate through local Cheque/Pay Order in favor of Revenue Officer CDA:

You can Check your latest bill of : MEPCO , IESCO , LESCO , PESCO , HESCO , GEPCO , QESCO , SEPCO , TESCO , FESCO.

  • NIB Bank, Razia Sharif Plaza, G-7, F-7
  • ABL Aabpara Branch, G.9 Markaz Branch, G-10 Markaz Branch, F-8/3, I-9, Humak, F-10, G-7/2, Parliament Br. I-8/3, G-11, F-11, I-10, I-11.
  • UBL Aabpara Branch, Sectt “A” Block Br, F-7/2, G-6 Civic Centre, G-9 Markaz, F-10 Markaz, F-8 Markaz, G-8 Markaz, Jinnah Avenue, F-6 Br, RDFC G-9 Branch.
  • FWB Blue Area, G-9 Markaz, AIOU
  • HBL Sectt “A” Block, F-7 Supper Jinnah Branch, G-6 Civic Centre, Islamic University, PTV Headquarter, FBISE Br, G-9/4, I-9 Industrial Area Branch, SRC H-9, F-6 Br, Blue Area Tower Br, Islamabad.
  • NBP PM Sectt Br, Main Br (Melody Cinema), AIOU Br, NIH Br, Foreign Office Branch, Markaz H-9 Br, F-10 Br, F-8 Branch, Holiday Inn Br, G-9 Markaz, “S” Block Sectt Br, PIMS, NHQ Br, Margallah Br, Corporate Br (F-6) “B” Block Sectt, “D” Block Sectt Branch, Islamabad, PARC.
  • MCB CDA (Sectt.) Bank of Khyber Blue Area, Islamabad, Citibank Blue Area, Islamabad.
  • Askari Bank (All branches located within the municipal limit of Islamabad.


  • ABL: Allied Bank Limited.
  • FWB: First Women Bank.
  • HBL: Habib Bank Limited.
  • MCB: Muslim Commercial Bank Limited.
  • NBP: National Bank of Pakistan.
  • MCB: Muslim Commercial Bank Limited.
  • NIB: National Investment Bank.
  • UBL: United Bank Limited.
  • Askari: Bank Limited

CDA Water and Allied Charges Online Payments:

How to pay CDA water bill online the Capital Development Authority announced in a press release at the start of 2021 that the CDA is now accessible at 1BILL, which is powered by 1Link, in keeping with the government’s aim to make conducting business easier, through the online method you can pay your CDA water bill payment


How to deposit CDA water bill online using a single interface, 1BILL enables residents to pay all of their bills, including government bills, CDA utilities, credit card bills, and fee coupons. The CDA Islamabad water bill can be paid by using 1BILL’s online banking services to pay their property taxes, CDA water bill payment, and other payments to the CDA.

CDA water billing system:

The Water Supply Directorate is in charge of producing, processing, transporting, and distributing potable water from various surface- and groundwater resources to the consumer end. Water is provided to the city by the Shahdara, Saidpur, Korangi, and Noopur Water Works, the Poona Faquiran Augmentation Scheme, and 189 No. Tube Wells.

A complex network of conduits, service reservoirs, sump/intermediate pumping stations, and distribution networks are used to manage supplies from all of these resources up to the consumer end. The water supply network is currently managed by four divisions, namely Production Division-I, Production Division-II, Distribution Division (North), and Distribution Division (South).

At Simly Filtration Plants, 04 small head works, and 174 tube wells, water is produced and treated before being transported to service reservoirs, sumps, and intermediate pumping stations that are strategically placed throughout the city. From there, the water is then distributed to individual homes via a distribution network. Additionally, a tanker service with 36 tankers is run, increasing the supply to users as and when necessary for a little fee.

No Demand Certificate:

Yes, upon payment of this bill as well as any outstanding arrears in the form of a pay order only, a “No Demand Certificate” will be provided.

Taxpayer Instructions for CDA Bill:

You can ask the Revenue Directorate for a water bill duplicate if the Bill is not received by the end of each quarter. The building’s occupant is responsible for paying Rs. 500.00 in reconnecting fees. As long as the owner presents a paid bill from the appropriate time, the banks are permitted to make adjustments to arrear bills. On the current bill, a reference for the CDA’s record rectification must be noted.

Notice for Water Supply Disconnection:

When my CDA water bill is not paid, a notice of Water Supply Disconnection will be given when:

  • Bills are not paid by the deadline for doing so.
  • The pipe/meter has sustained damage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Where Do I Go to File a Complaint About the Water Supply?

You can use the CDA water supply complaint number, you can get in touch with the following individuals:

The phone number for the deputy director of distribution for the Model Villages, H & I Series E, F, and G Series Dy. Director Distribution North: 051-9205528.
CDA water bill contact number: Call 051-920-2975 for the director of sanitation, and 051-9202-207 for the director of water supply.

  • Where Can I Contact Someone About Billing Issues?

CDA water bill rates issue you can, Call 051-9252823 for residential properties. Call 051-9252498 for non-residential properties.

  • How do I check my record of billing?

You can log in to the registered account and tap on Deposits and choose the CDA Account you wish to view.

Final Words

CDA water bill payment is made easy for the people who do not time have to visit physically, so they can easily pay via online bill payment services which CDA has to introduce in the country.

An individual can easily log in to their registered accounts and pay their concerns bills or taxes. This blog is useful for you if you want to get a proper guide for applying online for CDA water bills. We can provide better services for the consumers to properly understand the process.